
Achieve the Best Diet for both Macro and Micro nutrients

Simplifies the dietitian's work and provides a 100% success rate among all nutrients in the diet
Goal Weight

Goal Weight

Specifying the patient's goal weight to reach by the end of the diet
Meal Plans

Meal Plans

Setting up the patient's meal plans to follow throughout the diet
Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet

Producing a healthy diet with a balanced macro and micro nutrients

Selected Features

The following shows a list of selected features found in the program.

If you like to find out more about the software, you can contact us using the form below or send us an email.

Patient Profile

Specifying the patient's profile as a starting step for creating the diet

Diet Intake Plan

Setting up the patient's meal plans to follow throughout the diet

Foods and Recipes

Providing more than 8000 items to use in the diet, with the ability to create custom ones

Clinic Services

Managing the dietitian's clinic through various services such as invoices and receipts

Data Reports

Generating different types of data reports for analysis and inquiry

Measurement Units

Offering different types of measurement units for the diet's items

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